On the House!
I panicked when, stepping on the weighing scale this morning, I registered 2 kg more than my usual! Karma you say for skipping a day of my daily 20-k run? Give me a break! It has been foggy at 5:30 a.m. the last couple of days where I live so I thought that was a good excuse not to run. Dark and chilly, too! Oh, drat that scale!
But then again, you win! I only have myself to blame. I'd been pigging out the whole week at the wet market: crispy duck on Monday, ramium noodle soup and tempura on the side Tuesday, spicy Bali soup with king prawns Wednesday, yet another ramium-tempura combo Thursday, and then grilled baby squids Friday. All these washed down with my daily dose of white g'spritz. That was my lunch schedule last week. I usually don't eat breakfast and always try skip lunch, surviving mostly on hot tea with milk. I prefer dinner over lunch because I don't have to think of going back to work after. Also, it is the time when I can have one too many of my favorite chauvignon blanc.
Oh, yes, I had been absolutely bad that week I ought to be punished. Too many temptations I couldn't resist. I didn't only have lunch, I also had dinner! And that was every day, mind you! Think also of those sinful desserts I had: plum streussels, banana cake with yoghurt and choco mousse a good friend baked for me because she never liked Twiggy, she said. Twiggy who? Excuse me but when was the last time I heard that name mentioned? Not for a loooong while, really. Talk of time standing still for her. But anyway, she should see me now. I am more than perfect for the slaughterhouse, thanks to the sturm season as well.
And anyway again, next to our table at this fusion resto was this young Austrian guy attacking vigorously his noodles topped with slices of ripe mango and chopped coriander when the manager came to him to say that there has been a mistake - that what he was eating wasn't what he ordered. His face turned red as the manager put down on his table what he was supposed to get - another kind of noodles. He brightened up as soon as the manager said to consider what he was eating as a starter, "On the house!" There was a big laugh from the other tables when my colleague complained in a loud voice for everbody to hear that he, too, got the wrong food. Well, it could easily happen to every one, especially for beginners in exotic cuisines and have no idea of what they're getting.

BTW, attached is a photo of one of the sinful meals I had for dinner last week: Viennese pasta with ham. Very light dinner but it was soooo good , as always when Walter does it, that I could not resist another big serving. And since I'm into this pigging binge might as well pig out more and deal with the butcher later. So Walter, where's the streussel?